October 25, 2024
I went deep into reorganizing my library of sounds, journals, demo snips etc, into one uniform naming convention including the date the thing was recorded. It's made my library much more usable and, from a journaling standpoint, more interesting to surf. I follow a convention where I start any filename with a date formatted YYYY.MM.DD.
I've been at this for 25 years or so, and have some wav or aif files from '96 onwards, though I didn't begin instilling this naming convention "policy" until sometime after 2008, and really much more consistently after 2013 judging from my filenames. As a result, there are tons of files with a create date from a point in time where I did some sort of archiving. For instance, it seems I bought a big drive for archiving in 2012 - not sure when a lot of these files were initially recorded, but I'm seeing many files with the same creation dates from 2012 and 2009.
Now I can search my machine for ".10.25." and see something I recorded on October 25 regardless of year. THough today, Jason, Leesa and I poured a foundation for her greenhouse. Here's some rebar sound.

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